1. Why should you buy from us not from other suppliers?

We produce full range of Appliance Parts for over 20 years, we have professional R&D department and QC team. Our sales team have over 20 years foreign trade experience. We do OEM parts for lot of top brands such as Whirlpool, Samsung and LG etc.

2. What can you buy from us?

Appliance parts, dryer heating element, dryer drum roller, stove dial knob, refrigerator parts.

3. How do I find a product online?

Search using a keyword, Semzohc’s item number, brand or manufacturer’s model number. You can also browse by department to shop Semzohc’s large selection of items.

4. How do I return or exchange an item?

Most (but not all) items can be returned within 90 days. If you bought something from Semzohc Store, you can start a return online in your Order History before shipping it back to us.

5. When will my order arrive?

Estimated delivery dates are provided for each item in the product information page.

6. How can we guarantee quality?

Always a pre-production sample before mass production for customized orders;
Always final Inspection before shipment for all orders.